ACES Partnertalálkozó Budapeten Diversity and Human Rights (Sokszínűség és Emberjog) Budapest - partnertatálkozó – 2010. jan. 26-29.
ACES Partnertalálkozó Budapeten
Diversity and Human Rights (Sokszínűség és Emberjog)
Budapest - partnertatálkozó – 2010. jan. 26-29.
SUMMERY OF THE PROJECT MEETING, 26.01.2010 -29.01.2010. Budapest, Hungary
ACES project “Diversity and Human Rights”
Place of the meeting: Ady E. Gimnázium 1139 Budapest, Röppentyű u. 62.
Quests: National College “Octav O.”, Bucharest (3 teachers + 3 students)”Pencho S.” C. School №1 (2 teachers)
Tuesday - 26.01.2010.
Arrival of Bulgarian participants and free time.
Wednesday - 27.01.2010.
Introducing the hosting school, greetings speak of the headmaster of Ady Endre School. Presentation of the aims of the ACES school network and the project „Diversity and Human Right. Information about the partners and their school.
We summarized all the project process from October until January by student and teacher involved in the project. In the presentation participated Bulgarian and the Hungarian school's headmaster and students from the hosting school . Information about the partners and their school. Exhibition of the draw done during the project. Review of the activities in the different partner schools: what has been done already, what’s finished, what’s still to be done?
We presenteted the 3 partner countrys: The students preaparaid Power Point presentation about the culture of countrys. The pupils start by presenting their school (with the presentation they have made: video / PowerPoint)
We had a short visit in the school.
City game in the center “Find the diversity on the face of Budapest” Composing the final questionnaire about diversity and stereotypes. During to have sighting in the historical part of Budapest the student have the job to asking the people of street with question compost by self about the topic „diversity”.
Thusday - 28.01.2010.
Participation in the work of peer training. We orgainsed this activity during the project meeting in Budapest which included in the monthly peer training. Interactive games - using the methods connected to the topic. At a meeting in Budapest, helping aces students to foster genuine cross-cultural communication and dialogue, and empowering young people as agents for positive change. The quest was involved on the peer training of the school. The chosen topic adequate to the project, the Diversity and Human Right. We used human portray to develop the discussion.
During the workshop we used the method: „Label” . This work help to understand for the student how we can with „commun stick” determinate and stereotyped the different people.
On „Coulur stigma” exercise the student can understand the difference in on meaning inclusion, but the other hand the difference can be value. Working against intolerance involves a combination of cognitive, emotional and pragmatic learning: linking the head, the heart and the hand as shown here..
The Hungarian young people facilitated some energiser game during the training, to get closer to the quest student.
Pleasant and unpleasant place in the school: On the project meeting we had opportunity to manage the „Unpleasant and pleasant place” exercise in the school. We organised 4 group with participation of local students and foreign students. In genereal we had to suppose that both our students and the romanian student liked the school.
Some small element was for them unplesant: rubish box, the damaged doors, old metal gardrobe
The most preffered or pleasent place was the meeting point of the school:buffet, centraal hall, seat of coridor, comfortable fotels.
Presentation and discoussion: In general the student liked the surrounding and the building itself. After presented by group the photo, we discussed how's responsibility to have positive change in the school. The students agreed that some minor changes they can make, but after this opinion was made they started to reject the responsability. This provoced discussion beetwen students. Some of them had the opinion that they are able tomake these changes. Some of them said these changes and all the responsability belong to the headmaster. Most of the students were really motivated during this activity. They suggested that the Student Government can help in this changes. Alltogether it was a good activity to practice students responsibility and to sensitize them for the smaller details.
Evaluation methods: In the end of meeting we had evaluation. Every body start explain how can continue the your activity, in the peer work on the helping the disadvantage people, to develop the social sensibility, empathy, tolerance in the class.
Visiting of Museum of Beauty Art: Searching the destiny of women in the exposition. Students will notice woman’s condition, role, status in the society, in the different period of demonstrated in the museum.
Friday - 29.01.2010.
Last action on the meeting: the project team evaluated the last meeting, and discuss the next steps on the project. Evaluation, following step. To compose the final report of the project and the CD of the “Pleasant and unpleasant game”. Final evaluation of the meeting and conclusions, to discuses the last project elements (final measuring). Dissemination of results: WEB, news paper, school news paper. Pictures / film-what preparation is needed? Summarizing the picture, video of the project.
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